Wanting to have good balance on the podcast, I’ve sent out an invitation to FAIR to interview someone from their ranks to discuss the apologist’s point of view, and even to interview FAIR itself.

Still waiting to hear back….I hope to hear from them soon.


12 Responses

  1. When you say someone from FAIR, what do you mean? After all there are dozens of volunteers with FAIR (myself included). But I doubt they’d agree on the meaning of apologetics.

    Or do you mean one of the more main people at FAIR?

  2. Well….I guess I’m open to 2 things…

    1) Anyone who views themself as an “apologist”….or even someone who knows the basics of LDS history (the tough stuff), and still is a strong believer in the church. I’d love their story/perspective, and don’t care if they’re officially part of FAIR or not

    2) I’d love to interview an “official” from FAIR, just to do a podcast on what FAIR is, and what they’re trying to do.


  3. Oh, I don’t feel qualified. At least not to speak for FARMS. (Plus I’m terribly busy)

    But I’ll pass your comments on to FARMS.

  4. Hello;

    I’d be happy to talk with you. I’m a member of FAIR and spoke at the recent conference, I was the speaker on Freemasonry.

    Of course my remarks would be my own. As we always say: “I speak for myself not for FAIR or the church.” You can reach me at gkearney@gmail.com or by calling 307-577-2473 days.

    Greg Kearney

  5. This seems to sound a little confrontational, is it meant to? I think you need to decide if you want someone as in anyone, or some one who can speak on behalf of FAIR? What are you looking for? What are you going to use it for? Are we looking to sustain believers or add fuel for unbelievers? Just asking..

  6. Greg,

    I would love to interview you. This sounds perfect. I will contact you soon (via email or phone) to set something up.

    Thanks so much for coming forward and being willing to tell your story. I can’t be balanced if I don’t get people willing to talk from both sides. :)


  7. Dale,

    I don’t mean to be confrontational in any way. I’m sorry if it’s come across that way.

    I’m looking to do 2 podcasts. One called “inside the mind of an apologist” which would be in response to the podcast I’ve already done, called “inside the mind of an anti-mormon”. I just want someone from the other side of the spectrum to tell their story (for the 1st episode).

    The 2nd episode would be called something like “FAIR”, and it would simply have someone talk about FAIR…what it is, why it exists, it’s status today, etc.

    Does that make more sense?

    I have NO interest in being confrontational. Only to provide people an open forum to tell their stories. You’ll see once the interview is done, what I mean.


  8. Clark,

    I think iTunes released v5 today, and it may be making things a bit slow. All of the episodes are downloadable via iTunes, but it’s best (in my experience) to only download one episode at a time….and it’s often slow.
