
Thank you for your interest in donating to the Open Stories Foundation (OSF). It is our mission to promote understanding, healing, growth, and community for people experiencing or impacted by religious transitions. Some of the services we provide include: podcasts, videos, online and in-person communities, workshops, retreats, and other support services.

All donations are tax-deductible. To donate, please click on one of the options. For our full financial reports, please click here.

Anonymous donations may be sent to the following address: PO Box 171085, Salt Lake City, UT 84117

You are also welcome to email John at his private OSF email account at: and John will be happy to help you donate in any way you are comfortable.

Thank you for your support!!!

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  1. Pingback: Salt Lake City Conference and Art Show: June 15th-17th, 2012 | Mormon Stories Podcast

  2. John,
    I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you are doing. Mormon stories has been the light in a very dark time of discovering the truth about our church. Keep up the good work! I am going to start donating today to make sure you can continue.
    Thank you,
    Travis kendall

  3. John,

    Thanks you for the time and energy you have put into Mormon Stories. I know your journey has been varied. I have been with you from the beginning…not that you’d know. I was in my own private faith challenge. My wife is TBM as are my kids. With the Corp of the Church not providing any space for doubt or discussion, your podcasts were my way of sorting through my shelf, feelings and decision on direction. Today my wife accepts me for who I am and what i do and don’t believe. It’s still difficult for her at times because of the control and message from the Corp of the Church. Today I am very comfortable out of the Corp of the church. I still believe in the example of the gospel, just not as directed by the gerontocracy that is the Corp of the Church. The LGBT rules releases didn’t change anything for me. I expected what they did. It’s sad and despicable, but predictable.

    I have often thought of what it would be like to come on Mormon stories and tell my story. But, alas, too pedestrian a story it is…thousands just like it. Which is telling and sad all by itself.

    Keep up the good work. Now that Larsen is off to other endeavors, you juts have the infants and a few new podcasts to compete with :-)

    Thanks again for your assistance,


  4. Thank you for Mormon Stories! My wife and I enjoy the podcasts very much. We have been listening regularly since June 2014. We have even gone back and listened to most of the podcasts in your archive. We stopped going to church over a year and a half ago. Leaving the church is harder than we thought it would be. Your podcasts have helped us deal with the emotions and stresses associated with leaving the church. You are doing a great service.


  5. I’m happy to make a small monthly donation to Mormon Stories. I don’t underestimate the number of hours involved in running an operation like this and highly value it as an important resource for Latter Day Saints. Mormon Stories is an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to gain a more complete understanding of Mormonism.

  6. Sherry Keahilihau

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! If it weren’t for Mormon Stories, I would have continued to be ignorant of the many inconsistancies in the church that I had no idea about. I came across one of your podcasts, not knowing anything about you, and in clicking on it to see what it was about, I began weeks and weeks of listening and researching, and continue still today. I am so happy to support you in all that you do and am so grateful for all that you do. I’m not sure where I’m going and don’t know where to begin to talk to some of my family but the day will come and your podcasts help so much. I am so grateful to you, John, and for the sacrifices you have made in your life to make this all possible for so many.

  7. I do believe I will donate for as long as NuanceHoe is a co-host. I can’t in good faith donate to a religion-adjacent podcast hosted solely by a white male. My money follows her. #NuanceHoeForever

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