It’s a new year, and I’m thinking about bringing Mormon Stories out of retirement. Let me know if anyone still visits, and if there is still some interest/value in the brand name (Mormon Stories).

And Happy New Year to all!!!

39 Responses

  1. Well, I came in because of the post on your other blog. I think there’d be a lot of interest still.

  2. Please bring it back. I miss your voice of reason on topics related to Mormonism. I know that it previously consumed much of your time, but even a scaled down Mormon Stories is much better than nothing at all. I have enjoyed “The Cultural Hall” also, and hope that you might have time to keep both up and running, however if you must make a choice, I’d prefer the Mormon Stories with accompanying and much anticipated podcasts.

  3. I hope that you will seriously consider bringing back Mormon Stories. You are the lone voice of reason on the mormon blogosphere and I for one miss your insightful comments and interviews. I have enjoyed The Cultural Hall also very much. I’d like to have my cake and eat it too!

  4. Absolutely bring it back. I have given the MP3 files to twenty or thirty people and would love to be able to point them to your website again.

  5. Mormon stories has been instrumental in helping me remain active in the church as I continue to wrestle with the facts(?) of history. I’d love to see it return in any form.

  6. Yes! Bring it back if you can. There’s nothing else like it out there and your respectful, candid, open approach is just the tone that’s needed for the particular audience you’ve touched.

  7. Heck Ya!

    I love Mormon stories and can’t wait for it to come back…

    …it won’t be soon enough!

  8. I’m a huge fan and would be tickled to see it come back in any capacity. John, you’re very talented and entertaining. Best of luck and let us know when it’s up and running!

  9. Yes! It would be great to hear more interviews about the great expanse of Mormon culture. I hear Mayan might volunteer to pay for video and help with technical support.

  10. I’ve missed the podcasts ! I hope you find enough interest to resurrect the podcast in 2007. Happy New Year !

  11. John as a bit more encouragement– have you seen that some of the old interviews are some of the highest ranked things at

  12. Actually I haven’t looked at sustaind for awhile, and should have looked first. The mormonstories podcasts have slipped lower now, not surprising since they’re retired, but still at first they were doing quite well.

  13. I love the podcasts that you’ve done so far. They are very even handed and objective. Thanks for producing them and taking the time.

  14. Brilliant news. I listened to every one of the original set and long for more. Can’t wait…looking forward to it…

  15. Here’s an answer for you, a bit late, and a bit different from others here:


    There are reasons for doing it, of course. Communities are fun. You have built a site that many people know and appreciate. (Comments here attest to that support). It seems, at times, to be helpful for you in your own spiritual journey. And from comments, your work seems to have helped a group of other people as well.

    That said, don’t forget the downsides. Sites take a lot of time and energy, and so do communities. Sometimes online interactions become negative (trolls, arguments, or worse). Rehashing the same questions can be tiring. Real life can make time demands that limit your ability to blog. And so forth.

    I don’t know the exact details, but I suspect that some combination of one-or-more of those factors probably contributed to your last retirement.

    What is different now? How is January 2007 different from October 2006? Ask yourself that question, and make sure that you’re comfortable with the answer, whatever it may be.

  16. Why?

    What has any of your multimedia done?

    My in-laws have watched some of them and listened to some of your podcasts.

    Nothing has changed. In their eyes, they are still good, and I am bad.

    You might get a few internet mormons to accept us so-called apostates, but most members are chapel mormons and will never understand anything outside of them being part of god’s only true church.

    The people that need help are those who will not or cannot view and listen to your pod/screen casts.

    IMO until you get the chapel mormons to get out of the chapel and onto the internet, IMO, your work is just preaching to the choir.

  17. Mormon Stories back up and running!!
    Thats the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Welcome back John. :-)
    (How about getting some RLDS or COC to tell their stories too?).

  18. Thanks for bringing this back John. I loved listening to your podcasts and probably have listened to them all at least twice. I met you at the last Sunstone (I was probably the youngest one there) and thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. I always find your insights informative and enlightening. Where else are we going to hear from the likes of Grant Palmer, Darius Gray and Todd Compton? Keep it up!

  19. I just started listening to this in november and i must say it got me hooked fast. I look forward to some new eppisodes.