Episode #55 of “The Line” Podcast
February 18, 2016
“I was so thirsty and hungry after the truth, my whole body aching for answers.” Hans Mattsson, LDS Church leader 2000-05
This week we have a story about a big group of people with the same questions. Difficult, complicated, heartbreaking ones. These people all have one thing in common — they’re Mormons. Reporter Karen Duffin tells their story.
Further Reading
New York Times story, “Some Mormons Search the Web and Find Doubt”
New Essays on LDS Church Website
Wow. I’ve never heard “The Story of the Present Predicament” told so succinctly yet completely. This will be a great episode to play for my friends and relatives who say, “That stuff can’t be true. I’ve been a Mormon all my life and I would have heard about it if there were any truth to it.” Not necessarily.
Thanks for including this material.
Interesting and educational. Though many of us have heard this before through other venues/ episodes, this is succinct and well worth hearing. If only the general church membership could be exposed and made aware of the questions and answers, [or lack thereof] referred to here, perhaps the uproar would cause church leaders to take a more tolerant/loving/inclusive stand on some of the most divisive issues facing the church today, such as gays, B of M, etc.. But alac and alas, while I believe progress is being made, it does so at a snail’s pace.