I’ve been sitting on this domain for over a year now, and thanks to the help of a really swell new pal, I have decided to create a new portal/aggregator for Mormon-themed blogs called https://www.mormonblogs.org.

I know there are already a few aggregators out there, and they are cool cats. I guess that this one is a tad bit different in that we are categorizing blogs (at least for now) based on the conservative, moderate, and liberal labels (if you can think of better categories, let me know). Also, we’re gonna work to be as inclusive as we can. If you’ve been feeling a little bit “left out of the party” in the ‘nacle, maybe you will feel a bit more welcome here.

Anyway, if any of you are interested in signing up:

Cheers, and happy Mormon blogging!

3 Responses

  1. I think you should also make it customizable, having a section where I can add non-LDS blogs RSS feeds for myself, or will it not have individual accounts like LDSELECT?

    This would blur the line making you more like bloglines, but with bloglines, I would have to find all the RSS links for ALL the mormon blogs, and I’m reluctant to take that on and maintain it.
