Mormon Women’s Issues Podcast Series Update

As some of you know, I am preparing to do a podcast series on Mormon Women’s issues (see here and here).

I have received some EXCELLENT essays from a handful of Mormon women, and am very excited about every one.

A few final updates:

  • I’m looking to record the 1st set of stories next week (week of Feb 26th). For those of you who have submitted essays, please email me with couple of dates/times that work for you
  • I still need more essays, so if you have not submitted, please consider doing so.
  • Please do not feel like you have to expose yourself personally with these essays. Feel free to “anonymousitize” the essay to your heart’s content, and I can find “readers” for you, so you don’ t even have to read your own essay. A 5 minute essay is all we’re looking for here.
  • This is not a bad thing at all, but many of the essays I’ve received explore the frustrations or difficulties of being a Mormon woman. This is, of course, both important and instructive — but I would love to get at least a FEW essays that explore the heights and beauty of being a Mormon woman. Also, I’m more than happy to accept multiple essays from the same woman — especially if they help to balance each other out on the happy/sad scale.
  • That said, please do not stop sending me your essays — regardless of their happy/sad factor. I want good, honest, truthful essays not matter what.

Thanks again for your support. Please help me find a few more good essays, and I really look forward to kicking off this series next week.

1 thought on “Mormon Women’s Issues Podcast Series Update”

  1. Hi. A friend pointed me toward your site just the other day. I’m wondering if you still need essays. I have a few (positive-leaning) thoughts that’ve been bouncing around my brain for awhile, but I won’t bother taming them if you’re done collecting. :)

    Love the site, by the way.

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