Thanks for your willingness to give Mormon Stories a 2nd run.

My focus for 2010 (and beyond?) will be:

I will be operating Mormon Stories on an NPR/PBS model (through donations of both time and money).  As financial support comes in, I will use it to fund new episodes. As long as the donations continue to come, I will keep things hopping.

To Donate to Mormon Stories 2010, please click on the donate button at the top right of this blog.

Other ways I could use help:

I will do my best to make you proud.


John Dehlin

11 Responses

  1. Thanks for bringing Mormon Stories back. I am, by a practical definition, a spiritual Mormon who isn’t Orthodox in his beliefs, but accepts the importance of the spirituality of Mormonism and I view Joseph Smith as a prophet and spiritual teacher. Especially, since my Dad has had a heart attack, I needed something to keep me on my spiritual journey to believe that there is a God who is a loving Father to us all. Thanks for making the sacrifice to bring back Mormon Stories into running order.

  2. I just discovered Mormon stories a couple months ago and was disappointed to see it shut down. I am happy to hear it is back up and really look forward to your future podcasts. I think what you are doing is really awesome.

  3. John, so glad to see the site up again. We have listened to all of your podcasts and they are great. Here is one suggestion I have: After listening to lots of podcasts, yours and others, it seems we always get the story from the husband (typically) that is struggling with their testimony, but rarely, if ever, from the other spouse that is still active. I would like to hear how the other spouse deals with their testimony upheavals, and what can seem like the end of their dreams, when their spouse’s testimony is lost.
    Thanks again!

  4. I also recently discovered your podcasts and am pretty new to the whole blogosphere in general. I’ve found them so inspiring and enlightening. I’m so happy that you’re doing them again and look forward to more. Thanks for all you do!

  5. John-

    I would love to hear Harry Reid’s take on remaining a Democrat in a predominately Conservative Church. Just a recommendation.

  6. I would love to hear you interview jj dewey, author of The Immortal Series, “graduated” Mormon, and the spiritual leader of thousands (his website is He has a fascinating take on spirituality – he synthesizes all the great religions of the world – including what he gains from the Book of Mormon and D&C. Its fun to hear someone who finds knowledge and meaning in all faiths: from mormonism to buddhism to scientology!

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