While we’ve had some wonderfully bright and articulate conservative or traditional LDS panelists so far on Mormon Matters podcast (John Fowles, Rosalynde Welch, Julianne Hatton), various somewhat random complexities have made it such that they are finding it hard to appear with regularity.
Consequently, Mormon Matters is seeking 1 or 2 additional somewhat conservative or traditionalist LDS panelists to appear weekly on the podcast. Criteria include:
* You must consider yourself as a somewhat conservative or traditional LDS member (at least theologically)
* You must be somewhat thoughtful, witty and/or articulate (based on feedback from family or friends). :)
* You must be able to appear on the show at least twice per month
* We usually record Saturday nights between 8 and 10 Utah time
If any of you are interested, please contact us at: mormonmatters@gmail.com
Hi John,
I sent you an email about this a few days ago but haven’t heard back. I figure maybe it’s cause you’re just busy or that maybe you weren’t “wowed” by my qualifications (or lack thereof) :) I wouldn’t blame you if you feel that the “somewhat conservative” vacancy has been aptly filled by Blake, who does a great job.
But I just wanted to make sure you did receive my email because I’ve sent you three emails over the past few weeks and have never received a response (again, I figure you’re a super busy guy and don’t take it personally; I just want to make sure it isn’t because my hotmail address is getting screened out by your spam filter). The emails you would have received would have been sent from my email address at drewski74@hotmail.com
(P.S. I did receive a nice “thank you” from you when I made a donation, but that wasn’t a response to an email I sent you so I’m still unsure about whether my emails from my hotmail address are getting through.)
Tbanks brudda!
My question ditto the above.