Bloggernacle Spotlight: KVNU For the People

Last night Dan Wotherspoon and I were invited to speak on a radio show called “For the People” at radio station 610AM (KVNU) here in Logan, UT. The co-hosts are super cool guys (Tom Grover and Ryan Yonk), and you can listen to the full show by clicking here (the program actually begins around the 3:51 time mark).

After the show, I helped them set up a new blog and podcast, which can be found here. Please visit their newly formed blog and give them a hearty welcome to the bloggernacle!!!

Tom and Ryan also run another local blog here at USU called, so please check them out as well.

Thanks again to Tom/Ryan for their cooless, and for their support.


  1. Unfortunately the first parts of Carol Lynn’s comments were not audible, then for some reason later, about half way through, her voice was audible.

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